Haulover Beach Park
County: Miami-Dade County
Size: 177 acres
Latitude: 25.91083º Longitude: -80.12194º
Managing Agency: Miami-Dade County Department of Parks and Recreation

There are 1 taxa reported for
Haulover Beach Park

Group By Family:

Scientific Name: Occurrence: Native Status: Introduced Status: Invasive Status: Cultivated Status: Reference: Voucher:
Scientific Name: Tephrosia curtissii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 42705
Tephrosia curtissii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 42705

References for Haulover Beach Park:
Wright, S. 2004. Email correspondence with G.D. Gann. 17 May 2004. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL. RefID #50238.
Wright, S.J. 2004. Email communication with J. Maguire. 16 April 2004. In the files of The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL. RefID #42705.