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Chenopodium berlandieri Moq.
Pitseed goosefoot

Family: Amaranthaceae

Group: Dicot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Herb

Perennation: Annual

Map of Florida Locations

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Not Cultivated

Comments: For images, visit CalPhotos.

Other data on Chenopodium berlandieri available from :

Chenopodium berlandieri has been found in the following 5 counties :
Occurrence Native Status
Collier County Not Native, Naturalized
Hendry County Not Native, Naturalized
Lee County Not Native, Naturalized
Miami-Dade County Not Native, Naturalized
Monroe County (Keys) Not Native, Naturalized

Chenopodium berlandieri has been found in the following habitat :
Disturbed Upland