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Wolffiella lingulata (Hegelm.) Hegelm.
Tongueshape mudmidget

Family: Araceae

Group: Monocot

Substrate: Freshwater Aquatic

Habit: Herb

Perennation: Annual

Native Range: Scattered in the southern United States, the West Indies, Central America and South America.

Map of Florida Locations

IRC SOUTH FLORIDA Status: Possibly Extirpated or Extinct in the Wild

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native

South Florida History and Distribution: This species was omitted from Rare Plants of South Florida (Gann et al. 2002). Only one collection from South Florida is known (Davenport 994 UNA), collected in 1979 about four miles north of LaBelle in Glades County, in a small pond at the intersection of SR 29 and SR 78.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: For images, visit the W.P. Armstrong's Treatment of Lemnaceae website.

Other data on Wolffiella lingulata available from :

Wolffiella lingulata has been found in the following county :
Occurrence Native Status
Glades County Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated