Ron Ehmann Park
County: Miami-Dade County
Size: 14.6 acres
Latitude: 25.66667º Longitude: -80.35º
Section: 9 Township: 55 Range: 40
Managing Agency: Miami-Dade County Department of Parks and Recreation

There are 184 taxa reported for
Ron Ehmann Park

Group By Family:

Scientific Name: Occurrence: Native Status: Introduced Status: Invasive Status: Cultivated Status: Reference: Voucher:
Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Acacia auriculiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Acacia auriculiformis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Acalypha chamaedrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Acalypha chamaedrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Albizia lebbeck
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Albizia lebbeck
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Alysicarpus vaginalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Alysicarpus vaginalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Ampelopsis arborea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Ampelopsis arborea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Andropogon longiberbis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4972
Voucher: 4972
Andropogon longiberbis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4972 4972
Scientific Name: Andropogon ternarius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4529
Voucher: 4529
Andropogon ternarius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4529 4529
Scientific Name: Anemia adiantifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Anemia adiantifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Angadenia berteroi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Angadenia berteroi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Aristida condensata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4974
Voucher: 4974
Aristida condensata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4974 4974
Scientific Name: Aristida purpurascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Aristida purpurascens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Asclepias tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Asparagus setaceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Asparagus setaceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Ayenia euphrasiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Ayenia euphrasiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Baccharis halimifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Bidens alba var. radiata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Bidens alba var. radiata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Bischofia javanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Bischofia javanica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Bothriochloa pertusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Bothriochloa pertusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Brickellia mosieri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Brickellia mosieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Buchnera americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Buchnera americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Bursera simaruba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Callicarpa americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Callicarpa americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Catharanthus roseus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Cenchrus incertus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Cenchrus incertus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Centrosema virginianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista deeringiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Chamaecrista deeringiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Chamaerops humilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Persisting from Cultivation
Reference Number: 52556
Voucher: 52556
Chamaerops humilis
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Persisting from Cultivation 52556 52556
Scientific Name: Chaptalia albicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Chaptalia albicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Chiococca pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Chiococca pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Chromolaena odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Clusia rosea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Clusia rosea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Coccothrinax argentata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Coccothrinax argentata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Commelina erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Commelina erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Conyza canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Conyza canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Crotalaria incana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Crotalaria incana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 8764
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185 8764
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Crotalaria pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Crotalaria rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Crotalaria rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Croton linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Croton linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Cuscuta pentagona
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 51871
Cuscuta pentagona
Present Native Not Introduced 51871
Scientific Name: Cyperus filiculmis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Cyperus filiculmis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Dalea carnea var. carnea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Dalea carnea var. carnea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Desmodium marilandicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Desmodium marilandicum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Desmodium mauritianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Desmodium mauritianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium aciculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Dichanthelium aciculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ovale
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 4970
Dichanthelium ovale
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185 4970
Scientific Name: Digitaria ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Digitaria ciliaris
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Dyschoriste angusta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Dyschoriste angusta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Eleusine indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Eleusine indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Emilia fosbergii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Emilia fosbergii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Eragrostis ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Eragrostis ciliaris
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Eremochloa ophiuroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Eremochloa ophiuroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Eupatorium capillifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Eupatorium capillifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Euphorbia cyathophora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Euphorbia cyathophora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. deltoidea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. deltoidea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hirta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Euphorbia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Euphorbia mendezii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Euphorbia mendezii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Euphorbia ophthalmica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Euphorbia ophthalmica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Euphorbia polyphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Euphorbia polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Eustachys petraea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Eustachys petraea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Ficus aurea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Ficus aurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Ficus citrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Ficus citrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Ficus microcarpa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis spadicea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Fimbristylis spadicea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Flacourtia indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Flacourtia indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Forestiera segregata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Forestiera segregata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Galactia parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50185
Galactia parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced 50185
Scientific Name: Galactia pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Galactia pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Heliotropium polyphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Heliotropium polyphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Hieracium megacephalon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Hieracium megacephalon
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Hyparrhenia rufa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Hyparrhenia rufa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Hypoxis wrightii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Hypoxis wrightii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Indigofera hirsuta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Indigofera hirsuta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Indigofera spicata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Indigofera spicata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Indigofera suffruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Indigofera suffruticosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Ipomoea triloba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Ipomoea triloba
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Jacquemontia curtisii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Jacquemontia curtisii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Jasminum fluminense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Jasminum fluminense
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 4527
Lantana camara
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185 4527
Scientific Name: Lantana depressa var. depressa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Lantana depressa var. depressa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Lantana involucrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Lantana involucrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Lepidium virginicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Lepidium virginicum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Liatris gracilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Liatris gracilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Licania michauxii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Licania michauxii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Lyonia fruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Lyonia fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Macroptilium lathyroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Macroptilium lathyroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Medicago lupulina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Medicago lupulina
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Melanthera parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Melanthera parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Merremia dissecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Merremia dissecta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Metastelma blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Metastelma blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Metopium toxiferum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Metopium toxiferum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Momordica charantia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Momordica charantia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Morinda royoc
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Morinda royoc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Myrica cerifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Myrica cerifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis brownii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Nephrolepis brownii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis cordifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Nephrolepis exaltata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Neptunia pubescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Neptunia pubescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Neyraudia reynaudiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Neyraudia reynaudiana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Oenothera simulans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Oenothera simulans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Opuntia austrina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Opuntia austrina
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Paspalum setaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 4971
Paspalum setaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185 4971
Scientific Name: Passiflora suberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Passiflora suberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Pectis glaucescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Pectis glaucescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pectis prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Pectis prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Phlebodium aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Phlebodium aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Phoenix dactylifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 50185
Phoenix dactylifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 50185
Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Phyla nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Physalis walteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Physalis walteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pilea microphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Pilea microphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Pinus elliottii var. densa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Pinus elliottii var. densa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pityopsis graminifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Pityopsis graminifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pluchea carolinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Pluchea carolinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Polygala violacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Polygala violacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pteridium caudatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Pteridium caudatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Ptilimnium capillaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Ptilimnium capillaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Quercus pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Quercus pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Quercus virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Quercus virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Randia aculeata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Randia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Rhus copallinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Rhus copallinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia michauxii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 12307
Rhynchosia michauxii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 12307
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Rhynchosia minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia reniformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Rhynchosia reniformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora grayi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Rhynchospora grayi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Richardia grandiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Richardia grandiflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Ruellia succulenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Ruellia succulenta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Sabal palmetto
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Sabal palmetto
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Schefflera actinophylla
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Schinus terebinthifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Schinus terebinthifolius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium gracile
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Schizachyrium gracile
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Serenoa repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Sida acuta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Sida acuta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Sida elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Sida elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Sida rhombifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Sida rhombifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Sideroxylon salicifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Sideroxylon salicifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium nashii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Sisyrinchium nashii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Smilax auriculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Smilax auriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Smilax havanensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Smilax havanensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Sorghastrum secundum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Sorghastrum secundum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Spermacoce prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 4969
Spermacoce prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185 4969
Scientific Name: Spermacoce verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Spermacoce verticillata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Sphagneticola trilobata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Sphagneticola trilobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Sporobolus pyramidalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50185
Sporobolus pyramidalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50185
Scientific Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 50185
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 50185
Scientific Name: Stillingia sylvatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Stillingia sylvatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Stillingia sylvatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Stillingia sylvatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Stylosanthes hamata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14710
Stylosanthes hamata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14710
Scientific Name: Swietenia mahagoni
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Swietenia mahagoni
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum adnatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Symphyotrichum adnatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum concolor
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Symphyotrichum concolor
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum dumosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Symphyotrichum dumosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Tephrosia angustissima
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14710
Tephrosia angustissima
Recorded as Present in Error 14710
Scientific Name: Tephrosia florida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Tephrosia florida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Terminalia catappa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Toxicodendron radicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Toxicodendron radicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Tragia urens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Tragia urens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Trema floridanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Trema floridanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Trichostema dichotomum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Trichostema dichotomum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Tridax procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50185
Tridax procumbens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50185
Scientific Name: Turnera ulmifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50185
Turnera ulmifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50185
Scientific Name: Urena lobata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14710
Urena lobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14710
Scientific Name: Vaccinium myrsinites
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Vaccinium myrsinites
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Vernonia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Vernonia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Vitex trifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 50185
Vitex trifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 50185
Scientific Name: Vitis rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Vitis rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Waltheria indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14710
Waltheria indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14710
Scientific Name: Zamia integrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Zamia integrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185
Scientific Name: Zornia bracteata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50185
Voucher: 20527
Zornia bracteata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50185 20527

References for Ron Ehmann Park:
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Coral Pines Park in Miami-Dade County, Florida. 25 June 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Ron Ehman Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 25 June 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Flynn, L., D. Garvue, and R.L. Hammer. 1994. Preliminary checklist of vascular plants (native and naturalized), Ron Ehman Park. In files of The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Herndon, A. 1994. Distribution of Kuhnia eupatorioides in Miami Rock Ridge Pinelands. In files of The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Lange JJ (2017) Photographic voucher of Chamerops humilis at Ron Ehman Park in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 5 December 2017. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #52556. Link to photographic voucher.
Woodmansee, S.W. 2002. Observations of vascular plants at Ron Ehman Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 13 April 2002. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.

Vouchers for Ron Ehmann Park:
Bradley 100, FTG
Bradley 243, FTG
Bradley 244, FTG
Bradley 245, FTG
Bradley 750, FTG
Bradley 751, FTG
Bradley 752, FTG
Bradley 753, FTG
Bradley 754, FTG
Bradley 755, FTG
Woodmansee 125, FTG
Woodmansee, 861, FTG