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Floristic Inventory of the Florida Keys Database Online

Euphorbia deltoidea Engelm. ex Chapm. subsp. serpyllum
(Small) Ya Yang
Florida Keys deltoid spurge, Florida Keys wedge sandmat, Wedge spurge

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Stephen Hodges

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Group: Dicot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Herb

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: Endemic to South Florida in the Monroe County Keys.

NatureServe Global Status: Critically Imperiled

United States Federal Status: Endangered

State of Florida Status: Endangered

Florida Natural Areas Inventory State Status: Critically Imperiled

IRC SOUTH FLORIDA Status: Critically Imperiled

Map of South Florida Locations

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native

South Florida History and Distribution: Ranked as critically imperiled in Rare Plants of South Florida (Gann et al. 2002; pp 388-389) based one occurrence in the National Key Deer Refuge on Big Pine Key, Monroe County. No new occurrences are known.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Not Cultivated

Comments: For a current review of Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. serphyllum throughout its range, see the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Species Profile.

Synonyms: Chamaesyce deltiodea subsp. serpyllum.

FLORIDA KEYS Occurrence: Present

FLORIDA KEYS Native Status: Native

IRC FLORIDA KEYS Status: Critically Imperiled

Map of Florida Keys Locations

Florida Keys History and Distribution: Reported in 1913 by John Kunkel Small for pinelands on Big Pine Key in the lower Keys.  We consider this native and extant only on Big Pine Key.  For more information, see IRC's species account.

Other data on Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. serpyllum available from :

Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. serpyllum has been reported from the following conservation area in the FLORIDA KEYS :
Occurrence Native Status
National Key Deer Refuge Present Native

Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. serpyllum has been reported for the following habitat in THE FLORIDA KEYS :
Pine Rockland

All Images:

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Stephen Hodges

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Stephen Hodges

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Stephen Hodges

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Keith A. Bradley

Euphorbia deltoidea
Copyright by: Roger L. Hammer